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                Join phone:400-6688-392
                Order phone:021-82912234

                We care about the future development of your business

                We provide you with a full range of management software and production process control software that are connected with design software to help you achieve a qualitative leap in the management level of your business and become the world's first!

                We care about your design

                Lan-system (Lance) door and window system is equipped with special design software, users can easily complete price calculations, aluminum parts purchase orders, profile cutting tables, production processing drawings and other tasks...

                Let these tedious tasks be completed easily.

                With the Lan-system product model manual, users can adjust window diagrams, hardware accessories and other information to easily complete the design work.

                We care about your price and quality needs

                Use appropriate profiles for strength calculation

                Users can obtain the load requirements according to the project location and other information, so that each window can choose the most reasonable profile. The software replacement function can help you replace product series with one click, and easily complete the price/heat insulation performance comparison.

                Immediately display the U value of each window type of the project, and select the appropriate material configuration according to the project requirements

                We care about your choice of processing technology

                Lan-system (Lance) door and window system is equipped with special standard window and special-shaped window corner code and T-connectors, for you to choose the required assembly process, and complete the selection of various accessories.

                We care about your production and production management

                The design software adds a sawing and machining center control module. The sawing module can realize barcode distribution and printing at the same time of sawing; the machining center module can help you select the handle type and handle position while completing the programming of the machining center...Internet version software, Help you complete these tasks on any computer connected to the Internet

                Shanghai Zolan Doors
                • 400-6688-392